Adam Sandler is a polarizing figure in Hollywood. The comedian and actor has been a major movie star since the 1990s, known for slapstick comedies like Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, and The Waterboy.
While Sandler has a loyal fanbase who find him hilarious, he also has many detractors who criticize his juvenile humor and formulaic movies. So why exactly do some people dislike Adam Sandler so intensely? There are several factors that contribute to the animosity many feel toward the actor.
Movies Are Seen as Lowbrow and Immature
One of the most common criticisms of Adam Sandler is that his comedic style is very sophomoric and dumb. Movies like Billy Madison feature lots of potty humor, silly voices, and nonsensical plots.
To his critics, Sandler’s brand of humor feels more appropriate for a 12-year-old boy than a grown man in his 40s and 50s. His movies are seen as pandering to the lowest common denominator of humor.
While Sandler has deviated from his typical formula, such as in 2002’s Punch-Drunk Love and 2019’s Uncut Gems, he is still best known for broad comedies with juvenile gags. For audiences looking for more witty, intellectual, or highbrow comedy, Sandler’s style does not appeal. His reliance on bodily function jokes, sight gags, and goofy behavior comes across as lowbrow.
Examples of Lowbrow Humor in Adam Sandler Films
- Fart and pee jokes in Billy Madison
- Over-the-top silly voices and screaming in The Waterboy
- Ridiculous premises like going back to school as an adult in Billy Madison
- Infantile behavior like eating paste in Billy Madison
- Focus on male nudity for laughs in Grown Ups
Sandler’s defenders argue that being “lowbrow” is the point – his movies are meant to be ridiculous and elicit belly laughs. But for some audiences, the silly, nonsensical humor lacks wit or intelligence.
Plays Unlikable, Immature Characters
In addition to lowbrow humor, another aspect of Adam Sandler films that turns off some audiences is the immature, unlikable characters he often portrays. In his early comedies, he frequently played volatile, childish man-children.
Examples include the hot-tempered Bobby Boucher in The Waterboy, the buffoonish Happy Gilmore, and the rage-filled White Goodman in Dodgeball. While Bobby, Happy, and Goodman are undoubtedly funny characters, they can also come across as pathetic, unhinged, and hard to root for.
Sandler also often plays characters who behave rudely or obnoxiously, like the womanizing Robbie Hart in The Wedding Singer or the crass Sonny in Big Daddy. While Sandler tries to give these characters redeeming values, their boorish qualities can still be grating. His defenders argue these flawed characters are funny precisely because of their outrageous quirks and bad behavior. But for critics, the immaturity makes Sandler hard to like.
Most Unlikable Adam Sandler Characters
- White Goodman in Dodgeball
- Bobby Boucher in The Waterboy
- Barry Egan in Punch Drunk Love
- Sonny in Big Daddy
- Robbie Hart in The Wedding Singer
The unpleasant nature of these characters turns off viewers looking for more warmth or complexity. So while Sandler makes his man-children humorous, he doesn’t make them charming enough for some.
Plays Similar Characters Over and Over
Another complaint about Adam Sandler is that he essentially plays versions of the same character in many of his films – the immature, troubled man-child. As evidenced by the examples above, he often portrays temperamental, unsophisticated men with anger issues.
While he does have more dramatic roles that subvert this archetype, such as in Spanglish, Reign Over Me, Funny People, and The Meyerowitz Stories, his comedies consistently feature variations of his man-child persona. And even when he deviates, like in Just Go With It, Jack and Jill, and That’s My Boy, he still plays variations of unsavory misfits.
To some audiences, this schtick comes across as lazy – Sandler just rehashing the same kinds of characters and jokes instead of flexing his acting abilities. Fans counter that this reliability is exactly why they love Adam Sandler movies. But for critics, it makes his films feel repetitive and unoriginal.
Similarities Between Adam Sandler’s Man-Child Roles
- Hot tempers (Happy Gilmore, The Waterboy)
- Immaturity well into adulthood (Billy Madison, Big Daddy)
- Socially awkward misfits (Punch Drunk Love, The Wedding Singer)
- Men dealing with trauma/grief (Spanglish, Reign Over Me)
- Won’t fully grow up and get serious (That’s My Boy, Jack and Jill)
No matter the character differences, Sandler consistently mines comedy from playing dysfunctional but lovable losers. For some audiences, the recurring theme of emotionally stunted men gets stale over so many films.
Makes Formulaic Movies with Happy Madison
Critics also take issue with Adam Sandler seeming to make movies more as business ventures than artistic endeavors. Since forming his Happy Madison production company in 1999, he has churned out formulaic comedies that seem cynically crafted just to make money.
The movies follow predictable templates – Sandler as a man-child protagonist surrounded by ridiculous characters engaged in silly antics. They are full of product placements, cast all Sandler’s friends, and feature exotic vacation destinations to double as film sets.
While reliably producing broad crowd-pleasing comedies has been lucrative for Sandler and Happy Madison, to critics the films feel more like lazy vacations than quality movies. The commercial motivations make the films seem devoid of artistry or originality.
Criticisms of Happy Madison Movies
- Rely on lowest common denominator humor
- Star all Adam Sandler’s friends to guarantee participation
- Feature exotic locales to double as film sets
- Follow same man-child character and story formulas
- Filled with blatant product placements
- Made chiefly for commercial profit rather than art
Sandler’s Happy Madison movies may delight his fanbase with their simplicity and familiarity. But more discerning audiences grow tired of the transparent money-grabbing ploys and repetition.
Acting is Seen as Lazy
On a pure performance level, Adam Sandler has also drawn criticism for a perceived laziness and lack of range in his films. While the comedian has shown acting talent in movies like Punch Drunk Love, Meyerowitz Stories, and Uncut Gems, he seems to phone it in during many of his broad comedies.
Critics accuse Sandler of merely playing slight variations on himself rather than disappearing into diverse characters. He also seems to rely more on silly costumes and voices than conveying depth or nuance. And he appears disinclined to push himself dramatically.
Some feel Sandler plays it safe by remaining in his comedic lane rather than challenging himself as a performer. He prefers to create simplistic characters who let him riff and goof around. To audiences seeking emotionally affecting performances, Sandler’s apparent unwillingness to get out of his comfort zone makes him come across as an indifferent actor.
Examples of Sandler’s Lazy Performances
- Billy Madison – high-pitched silly voice, just acts juvenile
- Little Nicky – weird cartoon voice, not convincing as demon son
- Jack and Jill – no attempt to disappear into female role
- Grown Ups – plays it safe in role close to his persona
- Ridiculous 6 – stereotypical Native American accent, slapdash role
While Sandler remains beloved by fans who find his performances hilarious, critics feel he takes the easy route rather than pushing the envelope. His disinterest in transcending his comedic niche disappoints viewers seeking range and ambition.
Won Multiple Razzies
On the most superficial level, some audiences dislike Adam Sandler simply because of his multiple Razzie Awards for the worst movies of the year. Sandler has “won” over 10 Razzies throughout his career, often for Worst Actor or Worst Screenplay.
Movies that earned him Razzie recognition include Jack and Jill, That’s My Boy, I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry, Grown Ups 2, and The Ridiculous 6. Sandler even jokingly accepted some of these awards in person, leaning into his reputation as a Razzie darling.
While Razzies are meant to be taken tongue-in-cheek, some audiences can’t get past Sandler’s sheer volume of critically maligned films over the decades. Regardless of his loyal fans, a shelf full of Razzies implies Sandler makes objectively terrible movies in the eyes of many.
In summary, Adam Sandler has earned his fair share of detractors throughout his decades-long comedy career. Specific criticisms of the actor include his frequent reliance on sophomoric and scatological humor, his tendency to play unpleasant and immature characters, the repetitiveness of his man-child persona, the formulaic and commercially-driven nature of his Happy Madison films, the laziness and lack of range in some of his performances, and his multiple Razzie Awards recognizing his worst movies.
While Sandler remains hugely popular due to his undeniable talent for slapstick and commitment to creating crowd-pleasing escapist comedies, he is also divisive. His critics feel he squanders his skills on lowbrow and unchallenging films that lack artistic merit.
But perhaps Sandler never strived for critical acclaim in the first place, content with making the silly movies he himself finds funny and giving audiences a chance to turn off their brains. Regardless, the polarizing debate around Sandler demonstrates the subjective nature of comedy itself. Not every performer can appeal to all tastes. Sandler will likely keep honing his unique comedic voice for years, whether it elicits laughs or jeers.
Why do some people think Adam Sandler movies are dumb?
Many critics feel Adam Sandler movies rely too heavily on juvenile, lowbrow humor like potty jokes, slapstick, and gross-out gags. They see his comedy style as sophomoric, crass, and unintelligent.
What is Adam Sandler’s worst movie?
Adam Sandler has multiple films frequently cited as his worst, including Jack and Jill, That’s My Boy, Grown Ups 2, I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry, and The Ridiculous 6. These movies earned him many Razzie Awards.
Is Adam Sandler a bad actor?
Views on Sandler’s acting ability vary. Some feel he can demonstrate strong dramatic talent but is lazy in his comedies, playing similar childish characters without range. Others argue the exaggerated performances in his comedies are intentionally slapdash.
Why does Adam Sandler play the same character?
Sandler has become known for playing affectionate but immature man-children in many of his comedies. Fans find this character formula funny and reliable, while critics argue it shows lack of versatility and ambition on Sandler’s part.
What is Adam Sandler’s comedy style?
Sandler’s comedy style relies heavily on slapstick, crass humor, sight gags, silly voices, potty jokes, and outlandish scenarios. While broad and lowbrow, his fans find his humor delightfully juvenile and absurd.