Why Do People Hate James Corden: What’s Behind the Hate for James Corden

James Corden is a divisive public figure – while hugely popular amongst some audiences, especially in his native UK, he also has his fair share of detractors. This article will explore the key reasons why the Late Late Show host rubs some people up the wrong way.

Personality and Humor Are Not Universally Appealing

A lot of the dislike towards Corden can be attributed to subjective taste. Humor is highly personal, and his outgoing, effusive personality simply does not appeal to everyone’s sensibilities. Some find him overly energetic or cloying.

Others criticize his reliance on self-deprecation or find that he overacts in comedy skits. While hugely popular guests love riffing with him, his style of banter can feel overbearing or lacking nuance for more subdued tastes.

Ultimately, he evokes a ‘love him or hate him’ response – suggesting that some audiences are just not well-matched with his humor.

Perception of Egotism or Ingratiation

Another commonly cited criticism of Corden is that he comes across as egotistical or excessively ingratiating.

Detractors argue that he very openly craves affirmation and praise, whether from guests or audiences, to stoke his own ego. Similarly, some feel that he fawns over stars or indulges in smugness about his successes.

This perception of egotism and smugness, real or misplaced, undoubtedly puts some people off side and breeds resentment.

Table of Behaviors Perceived as Egotistical

BehaviorPerceived As
Seeking validationNeedy
Bragging about successesSmug
Fawning over celebritiesIngratiating
Over-the-top laughterAttention-seeking

The line between endearing confidence and arrogance is subjective. But many feel that Corden’s tendency towards outward self-assurance veers too far into unappealing egotism for their liking.

Accusations Around Originality and Talent

Corden also faces regular criticism around accusations of lacking originality or genuine talent.

As a host, his critics argue he relies too heavily on auto-cue, fails to provide deep insights, and sticks to safe, scripted material. As an actor and creator, many feel that he gets credit for other’s ideas or coasts on other people’s humor without being able to generate his own.

Table on Work Perceived To Lack Originality

The Late Late Show interviewsFormulaic lines of questioning, inability to improvise
Carpool KaraokeRelying on guest’s performance/humor
Gavin & StaceyCo-written by Ruth Jones
Promotional skits (like Carpool Karaoke)Piggybacking off celebrity guests

While clearly successful, these critiques attempt to reframe that success as a result of luck, appropriation or mimicry rather than singular creative talent on Corden’s part – undermining his credentials as an original voice.

Hints of Controversy and Impoliteness

Corden has also weathered a few minor controversies that, while not catastrophic, have colored public perception for some. For instance, there is an oft-referenced Reddit thread detailing “rude” behavior towards waitstaff.

These hints of entitled behavior contrast with his effusive public persona, putting his sincerity under question for some. Similarly, bits like ‘Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts’ have drawn criticism for insensitivity.

While mostly frivolous, these accusations of real-life unpleasantness or insincerity have shaped how some read into his double-edged public image.

Cultural Translation Issues

Another interesting line of criticism is that James Corden’s particular brand of cheeky, laddish British humor does not necessarily translate seamlessly into American cultural tastes.

Much of his UK-based work was beloved for how it channeled classic Carry On-style irreverence. To some British critics, Corden best captures a very specific strain of UK culture that comes across cloy or artificial outside of it.

The fact that Corden found mega-fame in the US arguably speaks to how he managed to translate that humor across cultures. But there is a sense that the bombastic style many enjoyed back home reads as more grating or cloying in the US context.

This cultural divide goes some way to explaining the gulf between largely UK-based fans of shows like Gavin & Stacey and his growing chorus of online critics Stateside. The humor is not for everyone, but also risks getting lost-in-translation between British and American sensibilities.

The Destructiveness of Social Media Callouts

Of course, much of the intense dislike towards Corden stems from the kinds of aggressive callout culture and groupthink dynamics that social media specializes in.

For whatever reason – whether justified, bogus, or just a matter of taste – Corden started developing a negative reputation amongst certain online communities like Reddit. This negativity became something of a self-propagating meme, with criticism of Corden turning into an ingroup shorthand and marker of identity.

In this way, participating in Corden callouts signals in-group social belonging. The specifics almost do not matter – hating on Corden becomes a social bonding exercise.

This test helps explain both the passion and dubious merit behind some of the anti-Corden sentiment. Social media feeds off shared identities constructed against imagined enemies and strips away nuance in doing so.

As with any online pile-on, valid criticism gets lost alongside self-serving takedowns, personal distaste masquerading as objective analysis, and good old fashioned dogpiling.

Which is all to say – social media tends to distort both affection and dislike towards celebrities. While Corden’s haters no doubt include sincere critics of his style, the intensity is partly memetic in nature.


James Corden seems destined to remain a divisive figure – admired by some, smug or annoying for others – at least for the current era. The reasons driving this split reaction have little to do with genuine moral offenses.

Rather, it comes down to highly variable senses of humor across audiences – Corden’s outgoing style inevitably grating against more introverted tastes. Some cultural signals also fail to translate between US and UK sensibilities and contexts.

There are arguably issues of groupthink at play too. In rallying against an imagined arrogant celebrity, online communities strengthen their own social bonds and identities. Outrage becomes self-serving, detached from reality.

Most likely the truth lies between adoring fans and snarky critics. Corden seems neither an evil villain nor a profound genius. For those not instinctively onboard with his humor, some criticisms will always ring true in places.

Yet a lot of the reaction ultimately speaks to tribal instinct and subjectivity around creative tastes, more than genuine insight into Corden himself. Audiences tend to either ‘get’ him or not – love him or loathe him – with extreme views in both directions telling us more about group identity than individual merit. Indeed the very polarity speaks to his ability to connect intensely with some audiences.

So Corden-haters will likely never shift their position. Nonetheless, piling-on arguably reveals more about the attackers themselves and the distorted lens of social media reactions.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dislike for James Corden

Why do some people find James Corden annoying?

Some common reasons include:

  • His loud, effusive demeanor rubs against more introverted tastes
  • Perceived as egotistical or attention-seeking
  • Sense of unoriginality or lack of comedic skills/talent
  • Controversies sparking questions around likeability
  • British humor not crossing over well into American cultural context

Is the hatred irrational or disproportionate?

In many cases yes. Social media tends to fuel groupthink and self-serving identities defined against imagined enemies rather than balanced nuanced takes. Much of the criticism is subjective personal taste or superficial.

However some critiques around ego, talent and controversies have validity for some. Dislike is complex and not entirely irrational.

Is James Corden really disliked in the UK?

Amongst UK audiences he remains largely popular due to shows like ‘Gavin & Stacey’ with a deep cultural resonance. The dislike seems more common among US online communities, suggesting issues translating his humor.

What are the most common critiques leveled against James Corden?

  • Over-the top, cloying or grating persona
  • Perceived smugness/self-importance
  • Unoriginality or creative laziness
  • Insensitivity around controversies
  • Issues tailoring comedy and interview style to US late night expectations.

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